
To add a lesson is Test

Step 1: click on the button Add and select the Test option like the image below. We will be navigated to the Add Test page

Step 2: Add questions

The Create Test page will like the image below

We have 6 kinds of the question here. They are

  • Multiple Choice

  • Fill The Gap

  • Ordering

  • Drag and Drop

  • Free Text

  • Randomized

1. Create a question is the Multiple Choice

Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Create Question button and select the Multiple Choice option. The Multiple Choice question page like the image below. In this case, I'm trying to create a question with

  • Question Title: Multiple choice demo

  • Question description:

    • "Choose the most correct word and fill in ..."

    • "He ... friendly."

  • Answer

    • am

    • "is" is the correct answer

    • are

Finally, click on the Save button to finish. The result will like this when Learner do this question

2. Create a question is the Fill the Gap

Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Create Question button and select the Fill the Gap option. The Multiple Choice question page like the image below. To create just fill in all the information necessary

  • Question title

  • Content

Note: Compose the question and use {brackets} for the possible answers. For example, The quick brown {fox} jumps over the lazy {dog}. OR The {biggest|bigger} planet of our solar system is {jupiter|neptune|earth}. When you use | to offer multiple answers the first should be the correct one.

Finally, click on the Save button to finish. The result will like this when Learner do this question

3. Create a question is the Ordering

Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Create Question button and select the Ordering option. The Ordering question page like the image below. To create just fill in all the information necessary

  • Question title

  • Content

  • Answer

Finally, click on the Save button to finish. The result will like this when Learner do this question

4. Create a question is the Drag and Drop

Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Create Question button and select the Drag and Drop option. The Drag and Drop question page like the image below. To create just fill in all the information necessary

  • Question title

  • Content

  • Answer pair

Finally, click on the Save button to finish. The result will like this when Learner do this question

5. Create a question is the Free Text

Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Create Question button and select the Free Text option. The Free Text question page like the image below. To create just fill in all the information necessary

  • Question title

  • Content

  • "Consider correct when accumulated points are greater or equal to": the least score to pass

  • Answer

Finally, click on the Save button to finish. The result will like this when Learner do this question

6. Create a question is the Randomized

This type of question will choose a few questions that create before and choose one question to add to the Question Added list. The interface like the image below. It looks like the Add test page but the title is different. In this case, I have added 3 questions that I create before. The result will choose one of them for Learner to do

Finally, click on the Save button to finish. The result will like this when Learner do this question

Step 3: The Question Added List after creating questions like the image below. Click on the Save button to finishing create the Test unit

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